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and breathe nature meditations

Below you will find some of the types of meditations and awareness journeys I typically lead. With over over 25 years of experience working in a range of healing modalities from Advanced Color Light Therapy to Shamanic Practices and Spiritual Counseling,  I can design meditations around a very wide range of topics.


Please get in touch with me to discuss how we can tailor-make any of the below experiences for you, or create completely different ones for your audience.














Shamanic journeying is a powerful guided meditation technique used for accessing and awakening our innate instinctive and intuitive intelligence. It is the inner art of travelling to the ‘invisible worlds’ beyond ordinary reality to retrieve clarity & insight for healing or change in any area of your life, including spirituality, health, work and relationships. With prayer, intuitive guidance & her drum, Teya will be working closely with the group’s consciousness on whatever needs to be shifted or released in that moment, leaving you feeling lighter, more connected and at ease. Each participant will also receive a herbal blessing with

sacred indigenous herbs.


Please wear loose comfortable clothing, & try to arrive a little early if possible as doors will close 10 mins after the meditation begins.  









Guided Ancestral Healing journeys involve tracking & releasing the imprints of your ancestors' unresolved emotional issues, problems or traumas, stored within your cellular consciousness & energy field. In so doing, it can releases you from any energetic patterns that link you to them - these patterns can have an inhibiting or disruptive influence on your life and relationships today.


This healing process is important because, whether we realize it or not, we are often deeply impacted by emotional and energetic patterns from prior generations in our family. Some of these can create obstacles in our lives, blocking our pathway to joy, abundance, authentic power and unlimited possibilities. Since energy is never lost, but simply changes form over time, emotional issues or problems that were not dealt with by your ancestors, or not fully resolved, can 'hover' in your energy field today, creating an imbalance or roadblock - also known as a Healing opportunity.


Ancestral Healing Journeys can shed light upon, transform energetic patterns that are not for your highest good, or are preventing you from carrying out your soul's mission and life's purpose. If you are experiencing recurring patterns where things get in the way of feeling satisfied, enriched or successful, then ancestral healing may be the missing link that can free you to attain personal fulfillment.









Chakra is an old Sanskrit term meaning ‘wheel’ or ‘circle’ and is used to reference specific energy centers along the body’s meridian system. Each of the seven major chakras has its own distinct character and relates to a unique aspect of our being, body and psyche.


Our Chakras are essential to our overall health and wellbeing. Are yours in balance?  Find out with the simple and powerful chakra cleansing meditation.  You can uplift your life by clearing out and enlivening your vital energy centers directly, and invite healing and purification on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.


This meditation practice increases our intuitive capacity, and facilitates an awakening to ourselves as spiritual being-ness, as the Truth Of Who We Are.









"Holding onto a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other to die from it."


Forgiveness is often much easier said than done. And true forgiveness, cannot be faked. Forgiveness can often only arise naturally, once all other emotions catalysed by the hurt or bereavement have been accepted and processed in a constructive way.


In this meditation, you will get a chance to bring awareness and relief to any unresolved emotions that may be holding you back from moving on to greater fulfillment in your life and relationships. We will also spend some time concentrating on, just as necessary:

self forgiveness!




Shamanic Journeying for Light Body Activation
Shamanic Ancestral Healing Journey
Chakra Meditation
Forgiveness Meditation

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